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Milky Chance and Young The Giant team up for an unforgettable night in Utah (Show Review)


Magna, Utah

Aug. 3rd, 2023

By Molly McCoy


Thursday promised to be an unforgettable evening as Milky Chance and Young The Giant brought their summer tour to The Great Saltair in Salt Lake City. With a little over ten shows left on this tour if you haven’t got tickets yet this is your sign to do so before the shows sell out.

Rosalin started the night off on a positive note, with just her and a band member she displayed her talent and powerful vocals. One of her standout songs of the night was definitely “Never Be Mine” and “SNAP.” I hope that Rosa Linn returns to Salt Lake soon as it would be fun to watch her play a longer set and see more of her depth.

Milky Chance was the first headliner to take the stage, Clemens Rehbein the lead vocalist and guitarist brought so much fun energy. Coming all the way from Germany they definitely are ones you won’t want to miss in the future. Starting the night off with their song synchronize, they immediately captured the crowd’s attention with the bass heavy songs and catchy lyrics. All of their songs are very danceable while still carrying a very apparent skill in their song writing. The band was very engaging with the crowd and did a great job performing to the audience.

I appreciated how much they spoke to the crowd throughout their set, talking about the songs they had written and the failed relationships that helped to write them. They were able to get some good laughs from the crowd. They also played homage to their home country by playing a cover of the song “Tainted Love” which the crowd ate up. One of my favorite songs of the night was “Colorado”, it was one of their final songs of the night and it was definitely a stand out.

Young the Giant was last to take the stage opening their set with American Bollywood. Milky Chance did a great job at bringing the energy and Young the Giant was sure to keep it going throughout the night. One of their more popular songs “Cough Syrup” was third on the set list and as those familiar notes rang out lead singer, Sameer Gadhia, vocals were so clear it almost felt like you were listening to it in an one on one setting.

The entire band seemed to be having fun performing with one another and they played off of each other very well. From their first moments on stage to their last they never seemed to stop moving. They divided their set up into four acts, each act consisting of 3 songs and a video interlude, their stage design would also change throughout the set with the lighting being very specific for each act. While their entire setlist was very cohesive all 3 songs of each act fit together perfectly. I also appreciated how each act had one of their more popular songs as well as a few deep cuts.

The night ended with one of the best encores, consisting of 4 songs and ending with “My Body.” The crowd who had been super energetic and fun the entire night, dancing and singing loudly along to each song gave it everything they had for this final song and filled the room with even more energy than before. Needless to say we hope it isn’t too long before both Milky Chance and Young the Giant make their returns to Utah as fans are anxiously waiting.

Photo Gallery : Rosa Linn – Saltair (08.03.2023)

Photo Gallery : Milky Chance – Saltair (08.03.2023)

Photo Gallery : Young The Giant – Saltair (08.03.2023)

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