Deadmau5 draws a sold out crowd for a weeknight evening of EDM magic in Madison (Show Review)


The Sylvee

Madison, WI

July 21st, 2022

By Bryan McCabe


Every genre has at least a handful of artists that nearly anyone would recognize if they heard their name. Green Day, Metallica, Johnny Cash, Deadmau5. Even my elementary aged kids know who Deadmau5 is because of a wacky goat video game. There’s no denying his accomplishments and impact that he has had on the EDM world. When someone that influential is coming to town, I do all that I can to make sure I don’t miss them. When he announced his We Are Friends Tour this past winter, I already knew that summer couldn’t come soon enough. 

The show in Madison was sold out, which meant it was going to be absolutely jam packed when everyone started dancing. The sole mainstay of the tour other than Deadmau5 of course, is Nero. Despite the fact that it’s just one third of the group that comprises Nero, the Madison crowd was still treated to 100% of the fun and energy that they have to offer through their music. With headliner production and the kick ass music to back it up, Nero had the eager crowd dancing and fully primed for Deadmau5 to take the stage. 

After a brief wait, the lights went down and the now famous cube lit up. Deadmau5 started by building up the energy with his song “Cthulhu Sleeps” before throwing in some classic Daft Punk to get the crowd going even more. So many artists have a large chuck of their show programmed beforehand, but tonight he was mixing everything on the fly. The fact that he’s able to mix and blend everything so seamlessly live just goes to show his legendary talent. My favorite thing about EDM shows is the level of production that goes into enhancing the entire experience. Deadmau5 definitely does not disappoint in that department either. All night the crowd was dancing to great songs like “Escape” and “When The Summer Dies”. Deadmau5 had the packed crowd in the palm of his hand from start to finish and he was loving the energy. If his We Are Friends Tour is coming near you this year, don’t hesitate to go.             

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