Watch Joe Bonamassa & Neal Schon (Journey) Join Forces Together During Vegas Show

NEAL SCHON, JOURNEY Founder, recently joined forces with JOE BONAMASSA onstage at their respective shows at The Colosseum in Las Vegas. As reported by VEGAS NEWS, on October 26th, the legendary artists first faced each other on “Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin”, exchanging leads for an extended version of the classic JOURNEY hit single. Then, the following evening, BONAMASSA introduced SCHON to join him for the B.B. KING song, “Nobody Loves Me But My Mother.”

Neal Schon founded Journey in 1972 and has been the only consistent member, having participated in every album and tour to date. Schon is a Grammy-nominated guitarist, songwriter, and vocalist who is not only the founding member of Journey, but was a member of Santana and has performed with a variety of other acts including Bad English, Jan Hammer, HSAS and has released 10 solo albums including his latest Votex. His guitar style has been described as soulful and melodic, admired by such fellow legends as Eric Clapton and Prince,

Journey’s worldwide sales have reached over 100 million records, making them one of the world’s best-selling bands of all time, with a wide selection of chart-topping hits like “Don’t Stop Believin­'”, “Any Way You Want iIt,” and “Wheel in the Sky”, among others.

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