Q&A: Get to know pop-punk newcomers Fight For Friday

Taking the title of their new EP from a beloved The Wonder Years song, UK pop-punk newcomers Fight For Friday are making themselves known rather quickly with their sharp, fun take on the pop-punk genre, mixed with other styles as well. Their newest EP, Someone You Could Trust, hit shelves just last month (you can stream it below), and the band issued a recent A-Z Q&A where they dished on The Wonder Years, Sum 41, and the bands they’d love to open for someday. Give it a read below – it’s pretty lengthy!

A Song Which Made You Want To Make Music: Probably ‘American Idiot’. It’s one of those songs which is a staple of pop punk music and it probably got a massive amount of kids into the genre, including us.

Best Album Ever Written: In terms of pop punk ‘All Killer No Filler’ by Sum 41 is a huge one. It’s one of those that defined the genre that we play and even though pop punk has developed and moved on a lot from when that was released it’s still a huge influence for a lot of artists.

Craziest Moment You’ve Experienced In The Band: We played a charity gig a few years back when we were first starting out and it was in this tiny cricket club in our hometown. There was literally two people watching us and one of them ran out crying and covering their ears because it was too loud. Not too crazy but its very funny to look back on.

Deepest Lyrics One Of Your Songs Features: ‘Tell me something worth regretting’ from Headache is basically me waiting for somebody to remind me of anything that I’ve ever done in my life that’s been truly significant enough for me to have a genuine reason to remember/regret it.

Easiest Song You Wrote: Probably any of the songs we wrote pre-2016, they’re all shitty punk songs that consist of 2-3 chords and angry 15 year old lyrical themes.

Favourite Show You’ve Ever Played: We supported the dudes in Why Everyone Left about half a year ago, it was such a cool night full of cool people and those guys are awesome to watch but also really nice. It made the whole trip worthwhile and made us some amazing new friends.

Guest You’d Most Like To Feature On A Your Record: 100% would have to be Soupy from The Wonder Years. He’s just the best isn’t he?

Happiest Moment In You’ve Experienced In The Band: Probably finishing off the week recording ‘Someone You Could Trust’ at White Bear. We’re so proud of this EP so it felt amazing to hear it all played back to us as a finished product.

Interesting Fact About One Of Your Members: Sol has a 6ft tall wooden Godzilla cutout in his living room. It’s pretty sick and he wears a superman watch.

Jokes You Have In The Band: We have loads of in-jokes that nobody else really gets. It’s quite sad actually.

Kicking Off Your Set Is Best With Which Song: Life Hits You Hard, every time. We’ve opened every show since we wrote it because its fast and gets the hype going.

Longest Distance You’ve Travelled To Play A Show: We’ve played a load of shows that we’re ages away but our upcoming tour is over 1000 miles round, its gonna be a killer.

Most Inspiring Musician You’ve Ever Experienced: Sol used to be in a band with this crazy guitarist called Aaron Solsby. He’s unbelievable at what he does but sadly we rarely get to see him anymore.

New Band You’d Recommend: Wolfpeake. They’re another band from our area and they’re one of the best bands we’ve ever had the joy to play with. They’re sound guys too, just really cool.

Opening For This Band Would Be Ideal: Honestly, we’d be stoked to play alongside ROAM, they’re a big influence for us so it’d be mad to share a stage with them.

Place You’d Most Like To Tour: It’d be pretty sick to venture into mainland Europe some time soon, hopefully we can get that sorted soon.

Quote That You’d Like To Pass On To Readers: ‘Always Be Prepared’ – The Scouts

Reason For The Title Of Your Recent/Forthcoming Release: We just really like the Wonder Years, but this EP is largely based on people around you and how their actions can influence you so we thought the title ‘Someone You Could Trust’ was quite relevant.

See Us Live At:
•13th July – The Bobbin, Lancaster
•14th July – Touchdown Festival
•20th July – BUMS, Barrow
•21st July – Club Rock, Carlisle
•22nd July – Jimmy’s, Manchester
•24th July – Bloc, Glasgow
•25th July – West Street Live, Sheffield
•28th July – SingleShot Vinyl & Coffe Shop, Leeds
•29th July – The Slaughtered Lamb, London

The Old Days Of Music Were Better Than Those Current, do you agree: The main reason we think music used to be better was the fun and mystery surrounding it. Before digital music you’d get people sitting around together to listen to an album, you dont get that now. However, today you can listen to basically whatever you want, when you want and thats pretty cool.

Unusual Merchandise: Maybe Socks One Day?

Variations You’d Like To Do On Any Of Your Songs: Barber Shop Quartet renditions.

What Bands Have You Seen Live and Regretted: We don’t really have any, all of the gigs we’ve been to together we were all really stoked on and had a mad time.

X-rays or any other treatments needed for band related in juries: Lloyd fell off stage once, he was fine but it was pretty hilarious at the time.

You could have written any song in history, which would you pick: The first song ever.

Zoo animal that best describes the personality of your band: Penguin, because we’re so smooth. And we can swim really well.

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