April 19, 2024

New Fury Media

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6 Songwriting Tools To Help Maximize Your Time While You Study

Many famous songwriters wrote their best hit songs while studying in college. So if you also want to succeed in this field, don’t waste your time. Put efforts into improving your writing skills while being a student.
College life is busy, and it might be challenging for you to find a moment to focus on songwriting. But if you choose the right tools and mobile apps, you will manage to do it.

Here are six tools you should start using today.

Note-taking tools

Have you ever found yourself in the following situation: you come up with a great song idea or rhyme and then forget it? Well, human memory is not perfect. If you want to become a famous songwriter, you should prevent your ideas from fading away.

The best solution is to use Evernote or Apple Notes. Install them on your phone if you haven’t done it yet, and capture your ideas before they are gone. When you store all your remarkable ideas in one place, it will be easy for you to write a great song once inspiration strikes.

Voice recorder tools

If you don’t have time to write notes, you can create notes using your voice. Install Voice Memos, Rev Voice Recorder, or a similar tool and use it every time you come up with new lyrics ideas. What are the key benefits of these tools? They save your time, and you can use them on the go. On top of that, you can sing, hum, or whistle a melody of your new song.

Rhyme tools

Is it easy for you to find the right words quickly and write in rhyme? If not, there is nothing to be ashamed about! Even professional songwriters struggle with this task.

Fortunately, you can optimize your writing process with the help of rhyme apps. These apps are easy to use: you type the word, and the system suggests a dozen relevant rhymes. The most popular tools are RhymeZone and B- Rhyme Dictionary. Try them out, and you will take your songwriting experience to the next level.

Editing and proofreading tools

Have you written a brilliant song? Do you want to sell it? Make sure to edit and proofread the lyrics before showing the song to the artist. Remember that it’s more than important for making a good first impression. You can use the Grammarly app or GrabMyEssay writing service to polish the text.

By the way, you can also use these tools while working on your school assignments. The less time you will spend on writing and editing your essays and research papers, the more time you will dedicate to music and composing. Some students ask the question: is GrabMyEssay legit? The answer is “yes”. You can leverage this online service in your everyday practice to boost your writing.

Anti-distraction tools

Do you lack time for songwriting? Probably it happens because you don’t manage your time wisely. The chances are you, just like other students, spend two or more hours a day using social media and other apps. You get distracted by annoying notifications, and that’s a huge problem.
The good news is that you can solve this issue instantly by installing an anti-distraction tool like FocusMe or RescueTime. The system will block access to the apps that waste your time, so you can focus on the songwriting. Note that you shouldn’t block music apps. Music listening boosts your brainpower and improves concentration, it doesn’t cause distraction.

Collaboration and feedback tools

Many students don’t even realize how talented they are until they share their creations with the audience and get positive feedback. So if you have been writing songs for a while but have never shown them to someone other than your best friends, you should take the next big step in your songwriting career. You should join the community of creative people and musicians and get to know what others think about your songs.

LANDR is a great collaboration tool to start with. It’s a platform where you can store and share all your tracks, get feedback, and collect ideas on how to turn a good song into a hit song.

Become a better songwriter while in college

There are many tools and apps out there that can make the songwriting process more enjoyable and effective. So if you want to boost your efforts and maximize your time while you study, choose a few tools from this list and start using them today. Do it to improve your writing skills and enhance your experience.

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