Knocked Loose created chaos at Coachella 2023 – and they just hit one million monthly listeners on Spotify

The fact that Billie Eilish watched one of their sets at Coachella 2023 is mind-boggling enough, but Knocked Loose are gaining new fans by the day thanks to the burst of excitement that’s surrounding them as of late. It’s uncommon for a band this heavy to create a buzz outside of their scenes, typically –…

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Ex-Northlane vocalist Adrian Fitipaldes returns on In Hearts Wake’s live performance of “Shapeless (Judgement)”

In 2012, a band by the name of In Hearts Wake emerged from a crowded Aussie metalcore scene with their debut album, Divination. It immediately kickstarted the band into a career where they’ve released five full-length albums and toured around the world and back again multiple times. Right around that same time, Northlane also began…

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